Wednesday, March 05, 2008

GLOP - Episode 1: Behind the Theme

For those who didn’t catch the “episode” at our congregational meeting last week, here’s what was “broadcasted”.

So! A few weeks ago in the house of our newly appointed GG leader (one of them) the members of Bethel (fed and watered) sat down to discuss the theme for our 2008 church/family camp. With Pastor Aow, an expert in evangelism as our camp speaker, we were having in mind an evangelistic themed camp, but as ideas were bounced off the whiteboard, the words “Passion” and “Love” keeps recurring. To be honest, I THINK we are not so good at the whole oikos thing… YET. (As the congregation in whole) But we always seek to edify one another through our fellowship and worship together.

Looking at the direction of the congregation – what is the church longing for?
As the congregation journeys on towards deeper prayer and intimacy with God with “Give Me 40 Days” by Freeda Bowers, as well as Jaeson Ma’s “The Blueprint” that calls for prayer and waiting on God above all else, it’s obvious that the only thing we are required to fulfill in our Christian walk is to simply – love God passionately.

Simple? But what is “passion”? What does it mean to have passion for God?
When we think about all our other passions and love, it becomes harder to ‘sacrifice’ for God. Passion means ‘to suffer’ in Greek, something you live for, something you’ll DIE for- so, not so simple after all right? No! It is still as simple, just not easy.

From Uncle Hoi Meng and Yung Ling’s sharing during worship two congregations ago, we know we can’t force ourselves to be in love with God. Often times we sing “I love You Lord” thinking about a friend who is depressed and sick. Or that we just had an car accident. Or lunch.

So how la. Only by discovering God’s passion for us FIRST, how God pursued and died for us before we even know Him, then only we can fall in love with Jesus.

We work so hard for God, but how many of us are actually enjoying God?
Why is it more important to love God than to work for God?

So, to quote two writers our members have been reading:

“These… overwhelming works we are to do, are an OUTPOURING of our relationship with Christ, and not a replacement of our time and devotion with Him.” – Freeda Bowers

“Lovers outwork workers” – Jaeson Ma

Lets discover God’s passion for us even now, so that we may be of one heart with God, and share His passion.

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