Monday, January 14, 2008

MONEY Pt. 2 - The Light Side of Money

The Light Side of Money

What does the Bible say?


The provision of God in the Garden of Eden

The generosity of God shown to:

Abraham (Gen 13:2 - Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold)

Isaac (Gen 26:14 – Isaac was blessed in a similar fashion)

Job (Job 1:1 – Job was a man of great wealth and he was blameless and upright)


The wise men brought their wealth to the Christ child as a means of worship

Zacchaeus gave generously

The poor widow gave sacrificially

Wealthy women helped support the band of disciples (Luke 8:2-3)

Barnabas used his land investments to aid the early church (Acts 4:36-37)

Cornelius gave alms liberally to the people (Acts 10:2)

Lydia used her status and resources to benefit the early church (Acts 16:14)



To recognize that everything God created is good, very good and it is meant to bless and enhance human life. All that were necessary to carry on human life is seen in the gracious gift of a loving God. The very bounty of the earth can draw us closer to God in thanksgiving & praise!

So much of what comes is not the result of our doing but a GIFT, UNEARNED & UNEARNABLE. (Deut 6:10b-11)


In the bible, God’s absolute rights as owner and our relative rights as stewards are unmistakably clear.

Job 41:11

Exo 19:5-6

As absolute owner, God puts limits on the individual’s ability to accumulate land and wealth (Deut 14:28-29, Exod 23:11)

(Every 50th year was to be a Jubilee Year, in which all slaves were to be set free, all debts cancelled and all land return to its original owner….)

God’s rationale for so doing upsetting everyone’s economic applecarts was very simply that “the land is mine”

God’s ownership of all things actually enhances our relationship with him

We know what we are having and all the things around us actually belongs to Another

This awareness frees us from a possessive and anxious spirit

Our focus goes to God and not on things

After we have done what we can to care for those things that have been entrusted to us, we know they are in bigger hands than ours.

The Grace of Giving

Offering is correctly placed as part of worship experience

Giving brings authenticity and vitality to our devotional experience

Money is an effective way of showing our love to God bcos it is so much a part of us

You give money, you give your “self”

Giving frees us from the tyranny of money

Giving frees us to care. We are being used to help make a difference in the world, and that is worth living for and giving for.

Controlling & Using

The call of God is upon us to use money within the confines of a properly disciplined spiritual life and to manage money for the good of all humanity and for the glory of God. And this we are drawn deeper to God.

Resources are channeled into life-giving ministry – the helpless are helped. Projects that advanced Christ’s kingdom are financed. Great good is accomplished.

Money is a blessing when it is used within the context of the life and power of God.

The lessons of Trust

Money used by God to build trust.

Jesus teaches us to pray for daily bread he is teaching us to live in trust.

When the children of Israel gathered manna in the wilderness they were allowed only a daily supply. Any more than the daily allotment would spoil. They were learning to live in trust, daily trust, upon Yahweh.

In the above illustrations, money is used by God to build a spirit of trust within us and not meant to cause us to give up our retirement plans or saving accounts etc.


We celebrate the light side of money by learning to cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving.

Help each other grow in gratitude

When we have a spirit of thanksgiving we can hold all things lightly. We receive; we do not grab. And when it is time to let go, we do so freely. We are not owners, only stewards.


Our lives do not consist of the things that we have, for we live and move and breathe in God, not things. Also intangible “things” i.e. status, reputation, position.

These are things that come and go in life, and we can learn to be thankful when they come and thankful when they go.


Dark side

  1. Do you have childhood memories about money that have made a positive impact on your life? What about negative influnce?
  2. How did your parents influence your attitude toward money?

Light side

  1. Could Solomon be a good example of Christian stewardship?
  2. Think of 2 experiences in your life in which God has used money to teach you about trust
  3. What are some specific ways individuals and churches can cultivate the spirit of thanksgiving?

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